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Precision Window Tinting Chicago
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Chicago Anti Graffiti Window Film

A surge of anti-graffiti window film installations began about a decade ago, with the businesses on every regularly tagged street in Chicago desperate to have it applied.  Today, it saddens us to see so many Chicago businesses left with the same worn-out film dulling the look of their windows because the owners refuse to replace it, or think they can’t afford to.

Back then, everyone wanted to take advantage of the sudden demand for anti-graffiti films. General contractors, glass and window companies, even handymen found themselves installing this revolutionary product – with no experience beyond having a phone conversation or two with the rep selling them the product. Most would leave windows with large amounts of dirt trapped beneath the film – even large bubbles.

Many, if not all of the people installing anti graffiti film back then charged as though the product would last decades, when in fact it should be replaced every 3-6 years, after it begins to dull.

Overall these facts have left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of the business owners that we meet, and is the primary reason that most of them have done nothing with the film after it was originally installed.

Our goal is to offer Chicago an affordable anti-graffiti window film service that is both professional and responsible – one that will always be available to fix a problem if it should come up.

Now, after years of winning the trust of Chicago businesses, Precision is proud to be #1 for anti-graffiti window film replacement  in Chicago – offering faster service, more care, affordable pricing, better results and a customer loyalty program.

Having your windows treated by Precision has its benefits. At only $100, customers who have had their windows treated by us have the lowest advertised minimum charge for graffiti film replacement in the city, and they save up to 25% off  future replacement of the film. That’s it – no gimmicks. All we’re trying to do is keep our customers happy and loyal to our company.

This is how all anti graffiti window film services should be . Give us a call toll-free at 800-683-8468 to get a free estimate today!

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