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Commercial Window Tinting

Commercial window tinting is a job best left for a professional window tinting service. When asked by their clients, some general contractors attempt to install graffitifrosted – even energy saving films without outsourcing an experienced company.

Commercial window tinting requires skilled installation if you expect it to look good for years to come. Most of the time an inexperienced general contrator will either give up, make an excuse about the difficulty of working with the product, or believe the installation looks good only to find that it begins to bubble or peel a month down the road. While these contractors don’t do these things on purpose, you have to understand that their ultimate goal is to get the job done at the lowest price possible.

Individually wrapped do-it-yourself residential film rolls are probably the main culprit of  unjust confidence. Some people assume that since you can find DIY films at your local home improvement store that installation is a snap. The truth is while those films are designed to be easier to install, this ease of use is limited to their resistance to creasing. The windows are just as difficult to properly prep and nothing but a skilled installer can minimize airborne dust and window frame debris from getting under the film. Furthermore, DIY films look horrible when compared to professional films, are not designed for commercial application and don’t come with a guarantee or warranty.

Hire a service! Most commercial window tinting can be professionally installed for a price that barely exceeds the cost of the material itself.

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